You ask, we answer

Where do you ship?

Le Nom-Saint Tropez bags can be shipped in in many countries across Europe and the world (Austria, France, Germany, Luxemburg, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Spain, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Grece, Ireland, Monaco, Portugal, Sweden, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary, Canada, Liechtenstein, Norway, USA, Switzerland). Shipping costs are charged to the recipient and vary depending on the delivery address, bien sûr. When ordering, please indicate the address where you prefer to receive your bag, so that we can calculate the shipping costs.

How long does it take to make a bag?

Bags are generally delivered within 15 days from the payment receipt. Timing may vary depending on the workload, but we make every effort to let you know at the time of purchase how soon we expect to process your order.

What payment methods do you accept?

We accept payments by credit card or Paypal.

How are your bags made?

All Le Nom - Saint Tropez bags are hand-crafted. The lines will never be as precise as if they were machine-printed and there will never be two identical bags between them. Their uniqueness is their most beautiful and most appreciated feature. C'est magnifique!